Tuesday, March 20, 2012

An unwelcome guest . . .

Tonight we had an unwelcome guest in our home. 
A little, flying, unwelcome guest. 

I was bringing in the laundry from outside and folding it to put away.  When out of no where {really, my pajama pants that I was folding} flies this moth or maybe a  butterfly but I think it was a moth.  It scared me and I screamed.  This in turn caused the kids to come running into the living room to save mom.  So while the kids were running, jumping and climbing to capture the beast, I did what any good blogging mom would do.  I grabbed my camera!! 

Here are a few pictures from tonight's events!! 

 jumping and swatting at the "Moth-ster" in our home!

 "Lets all get bowls with lids!!  We can catch it then!"

 Moth-ster hiding from the scary, loud children with bowls and lids.

 "Hold on, I will use my hand.  Oh wait, it's still a bug so never mind!"  - Rachal

 Rachal did catch the moth-ster. 

 Here is the beast!

And then we let him go home to his own family for the night!!

Mike is in Tokyo this week so the kids really did feel like they had to rescue me tonight. 

 I love my kids. 

::blessed beyond measure::


  1. It's a painted lady butterfly! They are beautiful, aren't they?!
    ---Sue on Hokkaido

  2. Yes I can see My Grandkids saving your life. Mike will be proud that he doesn't have to worry about you when he's gone. Once again, "making memories".

  3. Mothra? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mothra

    1. I thought I was having another Tyvek moment. Had to look up Mothra!! LOL If I had known I could call Godzilla I would have!!

  4. I enjoyed your "adventure". Everything seems to be going very well for you all, and we are so glad. We leave next Tuesday for Spain. Yay! Hugs from us.
